Materials and Objectives


- PowerPoint

- Worksheets

- Notes books with past notes


  • Students will be able to use present simple and present continuous to describe the actions in an image.
  • Students will be able to identify in English the cause and affect in an image. 
  • Students will be able to explain how a certain body system is affected by an injury or illness.


During this lesson the primary teacher will be aiding in translating any misunderstood language, and supporting students who have a lower understanding of English.


10 minutes 

5 minutes 

5 minutes 

10 minutes 

5 minutes 

5 minutes 

At Home

First we will review the body system. I will show images of the different body systems and the class has to say which one it is and what its function is. If the class is stuck on a system and can not remember then we will re-review it.

I will show the students English terms they will need to know for this lesson. They will copy them into their notes and write the Spanish translations.

The class will copy the objectives of the lesson and they will copy the notes into their journals.

The class will look at the first image. They will discuss amongst themselves what they think is wrong with the person in the picture. Then I will reveal the problem. Next they will discuss what body system is being affected and they will copy it.

We will continue this conversation with different images that students have to identify the problem and their body system.

After the first two images it will become a game where two students will stand at the front of the class. Whoever can identify the problem and the body system in the image first can go against a new student in the next round.

To check that the students understand they will receive a worksheet for homework. They will continue the process of looking at an image and writing what the problem in the image is and what body system is affected. They will also be asked to write and draw a picture of a time there was a problem with their body and what body system was affected. These will be checked and reviewed as a class the next day.